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:: Editorial Independence & Responsibilities ::
 | Post date: 2022/06/23 | 

Editorial dependence

 The editor-in-chief, associate editors, and reviewers of the Human Genetics and Genomics journal are entirely dependent on the Human Genetics and Genomics as the publisher, and not free to make decisions without any interference from the owner of the journal. The "CODE OF CONDUCT FOR JOURNAL PUBLISHERS" stated by COPE helps us make apparent research integrity from the early steps of submission to publishing the most influential studies. Therefore, we commit to applying all this code's parts in our internal processes.

Which items must be declared in Conflict of Interest by editorial Boards?

These items must be declared on the Editorial Board page as a public journal page for each staff editor in the Journal.

  • Paid Salary: 
  • monetary or in-kind compensation for self or household member from an organization that may in any way gain or lose financially or in any other way from the publication of papers in Briefland:
  • Reimbursement for attending a conference or symposium, Accommodation, and travel, or Fees for speaking: 
  • Fees for organizing education:
  • Funds for research or a member of staff:
  • Fees for consulting: 
  • Stocks or shares: 
  • Other competing interests:

Editorial Responsibilities

  • Declare Conflict of Interest: Any financial, personal, or other relationships of EIC that might constitute a conflict of interest with the role of EIC must be declared on the journal website.

  • Peer Review Process: The EIC should ensure that all accepted articles have been assessed in line with the Journal's stated peer review policy with at least two reviewers expert for some short articles like editorials or letters.

  • Prohibit any CoI in Peer Review Process: Neither EIC nor any of the editorial board should make decisions regarding manuscripts about which they may have a conflict of interest. In such instances, a senior member of the Editorial Board should assume responsibility for overseeing peer review and making decisions regarding acceptance or rejection.

  • Editorial Authorship: EIC must be committed to publishing as minor as s/he could in their own Journal. 

  • Respect Human and Animal Rights in all Publications: The EIC should be satisfied that all research on live humans or live animals accepted for publication in the Journal is ethical and complies with the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki. Research should comply with the authors' national and Institutional Review Board (IRB) requirements for ethics approval and informed consent. In countries where there are no local or national IRBs or established regulations, the EIC should use the standards set out in the Declaration of Helsinki to decide whether there are any ethical concerns about the conduct of the research that would preclude publication. Any study that violates the Declaration of Helsinki should be highlighted to the authors' institution regardless of whether or not local IRB approval was obtained. The EIC should seek guidance from Briefland Medical under challenging cases.

  • Respect Ethics in all Publications: The EIC should be satisfied that all research on human or animal tissue that is accepted for publication in the Journal complies with national legislation and local Institutional Review Board requirements on the use of such tissue for research, with particular regard to consent for the benefit of human tissue. In the absence of national regulations, the EICs should use their discretion when deciding whether there are any ethical concerns about the research that may preclude publication. The EIC should seek advice from Briefland under challenging cases.

  • Time Considerations and Decrease Author's Waiting Time: The EIC should be responsible for decreasing the review process's duration and acceptance or rejection time. Correspondence should be handled in a timely and respectful manner, and efficient and thorough peer-review carried out. Systems should be in place to ensure editorial staff absences do not reduce service to authors.

  • Ethics in Publications: The EIC should comply with the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) statement on geopolitical intrusion on editorial decisions. Besides EIC should practice ethics in the Journal based on the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Because the Journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the EIC should follow COPE guidelines and flowcharts when dealing with publication and research ethics issues such as author disputes and misconduct. The EIC may seek advice from Briefland on following COPE guidelines under challenging situations, but the final course of action should usually be decided and executed by the EIC. Human Genetics and Genomic (as the publisher) has the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that publication ethics are adhered to in compliance with COPE standards.

  • Approach to Appeals: The EIC should have a written complaints procedure for the Journal to cover appeals against decisions and complaints about journal processes. The complaints against the EIC will be referred to an ombudsman in the first instance but may be referred to COPE if necessary.

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Journal of Human Genetics and Genomics Journal of Human Genetics and Genomics
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