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:: Plagiarism and Similarity Rates ::
 | Post date: 2022/06/23 | 

Similarity Rate in Human Genetics and Genomics Journals:

The similarity score shows the percentage of plagiarized content in a research paper. In Human Genetics and Genomics journal, we examine our submitted manuscripts using "iThenticate" which matches sources in the Turnitin databases.

Responsibility of Authors for checking any similarity before submission:

The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others, this has been appropriately cited or quoted.

Role of Reviewers in detecting the similarities in a manuscript:

We recommend reviewers in the peer review process thoroughly check and control the similarities and guide authors to avoid similarities with other published materials. It is most important for reviewers and associate editors to check the files based on the screening done by the publisher.

What is the acceptance level of similarity in Human Genetics and Genomics journals?

  • There is no pre-defined accepted level of similarity since any sentence in a research paper must be unique with new findings. We believe that science does not need to be repeated even as one sentence. 
  • In some cases, we don't accept those with more than an 8-10% similarity rate.
  • We accept all terms and conditions of the COPE regarding similarity rates and plagiarism, and in case any attempt for plagiarism accompanied with convincing evidence is considered. Accordingly, we act based on the flowcharts and workflows by the COPE.
  • The EIC of the journal holds the highest responsibility to control and avoid plagiarism.
  • "Fast reject," "Reject," "Withdraw," and "Retraction" are our approaches for those articles with high similarity rates.

We are checking all manuscripts using iThenticate at least in 2 essential steps:

  1. Early submission: Our online system detects automatic submissions with high similarity rates and prevents submitting them.
  2. Before the primary stage of publishing: Just before starting the publishing process (during collection), we will check all accepted manuscripts another time.


  • The highest responsibility to control and avoid plagiarism is held by the EIC of the journal.
  • "Fast reject", "Reject", "Withdraw" and "Retraction" is our approaches for those articles with high similarity rates.
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