Human Genetics and Genomics as the publisher is very conscious of all potential misconducts in research or publications. As members of COPE, the journal will follow the COPE guidelines outlining how to deal with cases of suspected misconduct. The journal shows its specific logo from COPE on its website, which directly guides the readers to the COPE page of that website. You may find this direct logo of COPE on the journal's "journal info" or "List of Source" page.
There is a method for reporting misconduct (pre- or post-publication) to us:
- Submit a ticket via email (humangenetics.genomics
All concerns and claims will be recorded electronically in our email system and screened by our support team staff. Based on the problem, it will be communicated with all sides of the subject and discussed in the first weekly meeting of the primary Ethical committee. The Main ethical committee is located in the publisher and is included the journal owner, the editor-in-chief, and a representative of the publisher. High-priority concerns will be screened and handled by the CEO of the publisher primarily.
After collecting all documents and interviews with all sides/parties, the publisher will announce the preliminary decision to all authors. Final defense and documents, plus essential written documents, will be sent to the secondary ethical committee, including the members of the preparatory committee, in addition to the Human Genetics and Genomics advisory and trustee board.
We respect whistleblowers among our readers and take care of their confidential information in any way.
In case of proven research or publication misconduct, we always follow the COPE flowcharts, which vary from publishing a correction to withdrawing, retracting, or even replacing a responsible journal staff like the editor-in-chief. See our policies about the mentioned rues. |