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:: Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-2023) ::
jhgg 2023, 7(1): 0-0 Back to browse issues page
The Evaluation of Wound Healing Potential of Curcumin Dendrosomes on Fibroblast Cell Line-Focus on Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Siroos Tarighi , Marjan Marjaninia , Spiedeh Khaleghi , Majid Sadeghizadeh , Maryam Montazeri *
Abstract:   (192 Views)
Background: It is essential to find natural compounds with wound-healing properties that are accompanied by antibacterial effects. Therefore, in the present study, the wound-healing potential of curcumin dendrosomes on fibroblast cell line was evaluated.
Methods: The HFF1 cell proliferation was evaluated by MTT test after 48 hours of curcumin (Cur) and curcumin dendrosomes (Cur.den) treatments. Scratching test was used to check cell migration and the expression levels of TNF-α and TGF-β genes in cells were studied by Real-Time PCR technique. To investigate the antibacterial activity of Cur and Cur.den against S. epidermidis, well diffusion and microdilution tests were used.
Results: Cur.den improved significantly HFF1 cell proliferation and migration compared to both untreated control and Cur-treated cells. Moreover, this nanoformulation significantly overexpressed TGF-β and downregulated TNF-α genes compared to control cells. Both Cur and Cur.den reduced S. epidermidis growth in well diffusion assay and their MICs were measured at 200 and 100 µM, respectively.
Conclusion: The Cur.den has a high potential to be used as a wound-healing drug. However, studies in animal models and clinical settings are recommended.
Keywords: Curcumin, Dendrosome, Expression, Gene, Migration, Proliferation.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Gene expression
Received: 2023/11/19 | Accepted: 2023/12/2 | Published: 2023/12/2
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Tarighi S, marjaninia M, khaleghi S, Sadeghizadeh M, Montazeri M. The Evaluation of Wound Healing Potential of Curcumin Dendrosomes on Fibroblast Cell Line-Focus on Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Inflammatory Properties. jhgg 2023; 7 (1)
URL: http://humangeneticsgenomics.ir/article-1-98-en.html

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